Gjuhë e huaj

Model testi për provimin e klasës së nëntë

Testi në lëndën e gjuhës angleze të klasës së IX është hartuar nga mësuesja e lëndës Elona Behaj në shkollën 9-vjeçare “Mark Dashi” në Fier.

Lënda: Gjuhë Angleze

Niveli A2 



Read the text below and answer the questions. 

Water is becoming more polluted every year. People keep throwing rubbish and plastic into the water and factory waste continues to poison our rivers, lakes and seas. Water pollution is increasing, but what can we do about it? The problem with water pollution is that it kills sea animals and fish. Many types of fish that we need for food are dying out. Another problem is that because the water is so polluted, many freshwater rivers and lakes are no longer suitable sources of drinking water. 

There are some solutions to this problem. Factories should stop throwing waste and other chemicals into the water. Also, we should all try to dispose of all our household waste properly and always keep our beaches and lake resorts clean. We all need to write to our governments and ask them to introduce stricter laws against water pollution. 

To conclude, we can all do something to stop our water from becoming polluted. This way we will have a cleaner environment and suffer less from health problems. 

1. Water is polluted by:                                                                                          1 point 

a) People 

b) People and factories

c) Animals 

d) Governments 

2. The meaning of ‘increasing’ in line 2 is :                                                       1 point 

a) To become smaller in number

b) To become larger in number

c) To reduce 

d) To go  on 

3. How does water pollution affect fish and sea animals ?                                                             1 point 


4. What causes water pollution ?                                                                                                         1 point 


5. How does water pollution affect people ?                                                                                     1 point 


6. What should people do with their household waste to lessen water pollution?                    1 point 


7. Why should people write to their governments?                                                                         1 point 


8. What do people and factories continue to poison ?                                                                     1 point 


9. According to your opinion what else can we do about reducing pollution in general in our country?                                                                                                                                              2 points 



Read the text and answer the questions. 

Hi Megan, 

My favourite film is ‘Monsters Vs Aliens’. I saw it in the cinema last summer. 

The main character of the film is Susan Murphy. One day, she is hit by a rock that falls from space. Susan suddenly grows very large and people think she is a monster. The government takes her away and keeps her in a secret building with other strange monsters. However, when a huge robot arrives from space and starts destroying everything on earth, Susan and her new monster friends must save the world. 

The best thing about the film is the voice acting. The cast includes Hugh Laurie. I know he’s your favourite actor, so you’ll love this film. It isn’t in the cinemas anymore, but it’s coming out on DVD  next month. Have to go now. 


1. When did she see the film on cinema?                                                                                  1 point 


2. What type of film is ‘Monsters Vs Aliens’?                                                                           1 point 


3. Why do people think Susan is a monster?                                                                          1 point 


4. Who must the monsters fight against?                                                                               1 point 


5. What does Amber like most about the film?                                                                      1 point 


6. Why does Amber think Megan will like the film?                                                               1 point 


7. What happened to Susan that she started to grow suddenly?                                       1 point 


8. The film is :                                                                                                                               1 point 

a) Interesting 

b) Coming out in the cinemas next month 

c) Full of monsters and aliens 

d) Not so interesting 

9. What is your favourite film? Why?                                                                                       2 points




Choose the answer which best completes each sentence. You should choose from A, B, C, D. There is ONLY ONE  correct answer for each question.

1. Peter has _____ gone to the gym. He will be back at three o’clock.                    1 point 

a) Just

b) Since

c) Yet

d) Ever

2. My English lesson  ______ at three o’clock on Wednesdays.                                 1 point  

a) Is starting 

b) Starts

c) Will start

d) Will be starting

3. Can I have ______  sugar in my coffee, please?                                                         1 point        

a) Any

b) Much

c) Some

d) Many 

4. Henry enjoys ______ time outside in the garden.                                                     1 point                      

a) Spend 

b) To spend 

c) Spending

d) To spending 

5. ________ it’s warm and sunny, we’ll go for a walk along the beach.                 1 point   

a) Although 

b) Since

c) However

d) Therefore 


6. Miriam has one more year at primary school and then she’s going to start _____.           1 point   

a) University 

b) State school

c) Secondary school

d) High school 

7. Hurray ! I ____ all my exams and now I can enjoy my summer holidays.           1 point          

a) Lost 

b) Took

c) Passed

d) Failed 

8. This is _____ street market in Europe.                                                                      1 point             

a) The busier

b) Busy 

c) Most busy 

d) The busiest 

9. The packet says you have to _____ the spaghetti for ten minutes.                      1 point   

a) Fry 

b) Boil

c) Bake

d) Peel 

10. Leonardo Di Caprio is famous ____ acting  in Titanic as well as many other films.              1 point

a) Of 

b) With 

c) For 

d) On 



Choose one of the tasks below. Your writing will be marked for task completion, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. Each of the five criteria carries two points to give a total of ten points. You should write your task in no more than 80-100 words.                                        10 points

Task one 

Imagine you are on holiday abroad. Write an email to your friend back home. Include the following information. 

- Where you are 

- Who you are with 

- What you have done so far

- What you haven’t done yet

- When you are coming back

Task two 

Write a short article about the place where you live for an international school magazine. Include the following information.

- Where you live

- What you like about it 

- Why you like it 

- What you would recommend to the others about it. 

(Portali Shkollor)

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